Here are 2 examples of brilliance in performance recently and it's just the start of unthinkable work ...
Virat Kohli broke his own records and matched highest record of centruries and stand shoulder by shoulder with Sachin Tendulkar ...
It took someone years to break such record.. if Sachin is God then Virat is incomparable...
There is no last n highest record... Every record can be broken... True dedication and hardwork can do anything...
There is nothing that u achieved is new... Someone has already done it... And there ll be someone who will do it better...
And it's not chasing to make highest scores or highest to your limits... It's just keep improving and make your better each n every day...
Another is Glenn Maxwell...
Broke records and human capabilities limits...
Despite of severe cramps , where he couldn't even move. He didn't quit... Game was over his full team gave up... But he stood still n made 201 runs all by himself... Its freaking to even think of such task ..
But it's "determination , perseverance and passion" that made you do such incredible things.
These great men are not just born today... They do hard work with determination again n again each and every day... More than you think... It's not one thing they work on.. it's multiple aspects they look upon...
They don't just hope... They believe in their work!
We are fragile or we just keep ourselves in a boundary or limitations where you just don't let yourself go any extra mile... Ohh I am having a hard day and now I can't study or I am tiered of my 9-5 job now I can never achieve my other dreams... We conveniently leave our dreams, interests , creativity to live in our comfort zones...
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