Blaming is harming u!
All these years I learned a pattern of behavior ..
Blaming others…
Not just for their behavior or things that I felt was wrong…
But due to this pattern formation… was blaming on things they did not do…
Maybe it’s not true you…
You might have learned this behavior from someone else… maybe a friend
Who had this pattern… or maybe a parent or sibling…
You took This pattern as a way to communicate ..
You might think it’s normal…
I used to think that too..
But what I could never understood that instead of helping or correcting the situation..other person doesn’t really behave the way I wanted… or better the other person felt guilt, anger and frustration..
Relationship becomes sour…
And you get into a loop of blaming - hurting- not accepting…
Because you were already hurt… then you tried to tell the person what they did… n instead of help or betterment… situations get worse…
Now let’s see how it should be…
Keep reading my blog for solutions... I will be posting it in next blog...
Keep following...